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Age 29

Joined on 3/8/12

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Why would you want two PSPs though? The AW series is a Nintendo exclusive. ;)

Anyway, good luck with that. You still have some other computer to use though right?

AW? I...don't know which series you're reffering to...
Anyway, I mentioned getting 2 PSPs because one costs, like, RM400. And the computer I have to use is ridiculously laggy. It needs about 30 minutes to function slightly better, and YouTube videos (or any kind of player, tbh) plays with a fuckload of delay between the audio and video. Also, I can't play great Flash games or listen to music here. ;(

Advanced Wars, man! The greatest series of strategy games to ever hit a console! As the Nintendo fan that I am/Sony fan that I am not (mostly because of their idiotic attempts at halting piracy, like including spyware in some of their MP3 players) I just have to say something... I do get that you were referring to the price. ;)

Well that sucks. Heaps of sympathy. I managed to get my hands on a custom-built computer for around $200 last year, 8-core 3,2Ghx processor, 2GB graphics, 8GB RAM (32 Max)... pretty powerful stuff! Shopping for computers second hand is a bit of a gamble, but you can really reduce costs if you're lucky/careful. This worked out perfect.

Advanced Wars, huh...I think I've heard of it before. Sounds like something I'd look into.
Building computers sound like a hell of a lotta effort, wish I had that kinda time and knowledge. I'd build my own rig but then again, I'll have to think about getting into universities as far away as possible from home...

Definitely; let me know if you do; what you think. I have all gpit handheld versions so far: been playing AW DS for almost 200 hours - still nowhere near completion. The last two are pretty extensive if you want to get to 100%. :)

Well I meant I managed to buy a computer that was already patched up, a custom-built one. I don't know much about hardware otherwise, though since I bought this one I find myself a bit more interested in what's under the hood than I used to. Also had to mount a CD/DVD drive myself, but that turned out to be a piece of cake.

AWs for the DS looks nice...it's a shame that I can't seem to justify myself getting a DS/3DS (emulators *cough cough*).

Buying a used custom PC? Now that's (slightly) unheard of (for me).

Haha, the AW series was the main reason I bought a DS. :) That and Pokemon. Of course I was then already hooked on the GBA prequels so it wasn't too strange... emulating handheld games on a stationary just isn't the same experience, but great for all exotic games that cannot be attained. :P

Remember where you heard it first! :D I don't know how it is where you live, but here there are plenty of people who make a living building gaming rigs and then selling them through auctions/second hand. Most go for a price that earns them profit though, finding ones people sell with the intention of getting rid of rather than earning money's not as easy.

@daethdrain ???

I'm from Asia (which specific country can be found on my NG page), and all I know about custom built rigs are from random ass internet forums. I rarely hear anyone selling their own rigs (since stuff costs quite a lot here...I've been complaining about this since forever too).

Ah, didn't know things were expensive in Malaysia. I'd have thought it was the other way around over there. You do have cheap food though, right?

Yep. Foods are fairly cheap, to say the least.

Non-pirated video games and their systems, computer hardware (motherboards, graphic/video cards, soundcards, high-quality headphones, etc.), musical instruments, and some other stuff costs pretty expensive here. Probably has something to do with the taxes of imported products and store mark-ups.

Is there a lot of pirated computer hardware going around though? Or just the video games?

I haven't heard of pirated computer hardware (with the exception of sub-par stuff from either Korea or China). Pirated video games are all the rage here (except for PS3 games).

Why no PS3? Impossible to pirate; just too expensive? Btw, can you get reliable pirated games for consoles, or do most of them just break overtime? I have a few pirated cartridges where the save feature disappeared after a while. Even here, if you buy Pokemon games second hand there's a good chance they're not official and thus often don't work.

There ain't no pirated PS3 games because it's impossible. Besides, pirated games are dirt cheap here, so I doubt the price is a problem. From what I've experience they tend to break over time, with the exception of some games I own (maybe I took good care of them?).

Oh, and if they don't work on the actual system, chances are it will work perfectly fine in an emulator.

Ah OK. It's going to be tough with all the preventive measures they're throwing into the next generation of consoles too. Wish they'd stop complicating things, great games will still get sales.

How cheap is dirt cheap?

Eh...the prices actually vary from gaming system to gaming system. PS2 games costs around RM4 to 5 (around a dollar and a quarter), PC and Xbox 360 games costs around RM 10 to 12 (around 3 dollars)...actually, they're not really that cheap for us. They're average priced, so to speak but you'd be better off saving that money...something I wish I learned earlier.

How much do the official games cost over there, as a comparison? It sounds pretty cheap to me, compared to around $50 for a brand new game, or around $10 on bargain. I've pretty much stopped buying any new games though, most are second-hand finds, another big portion parts of a grand GOG collection gathered during their weekend sales (where games usually go for around $2-3, so that's similar).

Depends on which store you're going to. Malaysia is Sony's bitch, meaning that there's only Sony Centres here. The games they sell there are the most newest, well-known and PS3 exclusives...and they cost pretty ridiculous (RM200 to RM300...sometimes even higher).

As for other game stores, it's from RM150+ to RM450+, which is absolute bullshit (from which I learned that Sony Malaysia doesn't let game stores sell stuff below the RRP). Xbox 360 games are a bit uncommon, but they're within the RM150 to RM200+ range, so the price isn't too overblown. PSP and Vita games are also somewhat uncommon here.

Wii games are freaking rare, as well as PS1, PS2, GBA, DS and 3DS games, so consider yourself blessed if you ever find one. Don't even get me started on older systems (The Sega Genesis, Dreamcast, or something else).

Sounds about the same for newer games then, but no bargains? And nothing for older consoles either huh, that's interesting. We have all kinds over here, and as far as I know no company has any monopoly either. I guess Swedes play a lot of games!

Which consoles do you have btw?

Nope. No bargains. Apparently, game store owners think that discounts or special deals don't apply to video games nor would it benefit them.

As for the consoles I own (now or used to): the 2 Playstations (my PS1 went missing, and the PS2 is probably broken), a PSP (broken motherboard, repair costs twice of getting one), and an Xbox 360 (which I'm guessing I'm going to ruin, one way or another).

Also, I have the Inversed Midas Touch.

Hehe, no working consoles at all?? Well, that sucks, I shouldn't be laughing. Inversed Midas Touch would make you a great farmer no? ;)

I still have the first three consoles I ever bought/received, fully working, one from a friend, the other from a teacher (my parents have never been much for videogames): an old PSX (not the slim version) and a black N64 with a taped cable that a dog appears to have chewed on... and an original GameBoy that I traded for a golden Moltres! Since then I've bought one more PSX/N64 as backup, which is btw completely unnecessary considering I rarely ever play anymore... but I'm the kind who likes to do unnecessary stuff like that. Had a PS2 once, which I sold, then bought a couple of years later to play some games I'd missed (GTA Stories), then bought that computer I spoke of earlier with enough power to emulate PS2 games... so I sold both those PS2 consoles again. :/

Also have a GC, and as for handheld: Nintendo GB, GBC, GBA (x4), GBA SP, DS aaand... a GB Micro, I think it's called, most of which were bought second-hand. Nothing's broken so far, but I did actually buy a PS2 that was broken... with a good computer though, I don't feel a need for any more consoles, will probably just save the ones I do own for all eternity.

Well...technically my 360 works, but whenever I get new games (arrrr!), they don't work for one reason or another. Now I just use it to beat the shit outta people in Fight Night: Round 4.

So...you have a grand total of 16(?!) systems??? Damn man. Not even that one rich kid I know own that many game systems...Dammit, someone's gotta go and devalue the USD and JPY...or get someone to increase the value of MYR.

Having the Inversed Midas Touch makes me great farme-Ohhhhh I see what you mean, you rascal. >:)

Ah. Weird. The broken PS2 I bought had a problem with the laser so it could only read a select few games... could it be something like that?

I haven't counted them before but.. it's 14 total. Unless you count the computer (actually I have a few old computers too). I sold the PS2s (all four). Still... yeah, now that you mention it, that is a lot!!

Haha, that'd be the way. I use SEK though (Swedish kronor), which is at a higher rate than the USD right now so I'm saving a lot of money getting my webhosting overseas. :) As for videogames/consoles though, they're pretty cheap here. All the ones I've mentioned should be findable for less than $20 a piece, apart from the Nintendo DS. There's so much going around that's probably the reason the prices are low... on old consoles that is. I'm on a pretty tight budget so anything new is outside my reach anyway. Been looking around for a cheap 3DS but it'll probably take a year or two before prices drop on those.


Same thing here with the PS2, but strangely after having it repaired, my old collection works whereas newly bought discs (yaaarrr!) don't.

...So, change of subject: how's Sweden (from the current situation, to the language/culture)?

Hmm, any particular current situation you're wondering about? :P Life's pretty good over here, overall, but it's going for the worse IMO. The government's become a bit lazy throughout the good times, no longer doing a particularly good job at enforcing laws or maintaining their finances... wasting money on pointless things like changing traffic sign design, acting like elections are a game every time they come around, just ignoring all the real issues (like our excessive immigration - giving hundreds of new people citizenship every week, giving them all free dental care, free housing, free phone calls abroad and 'allowance' every month - it just isn't sustainable in the long run), selling out government-owned companies, mounting down the military and welcoming NATA instead (which is really pissing off Russia, but they don't seem to realize this)... but not to dive into all the problems that are piling up, we do have relatively cheap healthcare, good food (plenty of fish and wild berries too if you're not in the big city), good architecture, plenty of work if you're not too picky... plenty of wilderness too. Also, over 200,000 lakes, though you might say some of them classify more as puddles.

We speak Swedish, we learn decent English (I've been to international schools though, thus my humble proficiency with it), and as for culture eh... anything specific? I guess we do have traditional holiday's, and plenty of red/white wooden houses, but I can't think of anything really mentionable...

Well...to be specific, the education sector (like universities and stuff)...how tolerant are Swedes of Muslims...because right now I'm looking for universities overseas, and it'd be nice to know someone who can be as a tour guide of some sort...

Is Swedish (the language) hard? The only thing I know about Swedish language is from Ikea catalogues that mysteriously gets sent to my house every now and then. Aaaaand I don't really know what to ask about your culture...how about food? Is it mainly dishes consisting of fish, or...?

Ah, well the Swedish majority is still Christian, but plenty of people with other religions have moved in; plenty of Muslims too. Tolerance is high for different religions, but not always the way they're enacted (if you practice your religion in the way you live, or at home, then it doesn't bother anyone - but trying to implement religious laws as laws of society for example is something a lot of Muslims especially are trying to do, and that doesn't ring well). There's for example a real Mosque being built in Stockholm that's stirring up a lot of commotion, because it really doesn't combine well with our own architecture; tradition, and it's letting immigrants form a small society of their own instead of adapting to their new country and uniting with the population (they're demanding instead of appreciating, craving a society that adapts to them). They were recently given permission to make a public broadcast every morning, but Christian churches have never had public broadcasts here so it's stirring a bit of illwill (people don't like the noise either). It's like it's all going back to the middle ages, to the religious wars we had back then. But this is all about immigration, I'm not trying to scare you away or anything just elaborating on how our tolerance is. It's not like there's a war going on... yet. :P

Some people want globalization; all kinds of different cultures, but personally I'm one of those who would like to keep it the way it is, which is probably due to my parents views getting passed on, since they've had some bad experiences with other cultures. Since my dad worked at Ericsson we've lived abroad for most of my childhood, and they lived abroad way before that. I lived in Saudia Arabia for a while; had a great time; had some Muslim friends I got along with. But my parents have some bad experiences from Muslim countries like Tunisia and Oman. The local population often threw stones at the house, dumped dead sheep just outside the walls; just weren't very welcoming or accepting, even though we've always attempted to fit in in the places we've lived. So of course that's left a bad taste.

(characters are running out, so I'll keep typing on a second comment)

I...okay, this is a loaaaad of text.

Ya know, those public broadcasts are actually part of our practices (you know...to let other Muslims around when it's time for prayers), but I don't ever recall Christians making public broadcasts as part of their practices...so (note I'm slightly biased here, which means I shouldn't really comment on this asdadasd).

Okay, you know what? I'm not gonna comment on that at all, because I'm still a dumb kid ahdfjadfhjdf

About those people in Tunisia and Oman? They're cunts. Harsh words about people with the same beliefs as mine, I know, but they shouldn't treat you and your family like that. Those sorta people are usually the ones making Islam look bad.

Another problem in society here is the racism taboo, plenty of immigrants are using racism as a cue to get grants and damages, so it's like people are scared of saying anything; being deemed a racist. You can't speak openly, which is creating even more distrust, which is really going to make things worse in the future. I'm all about freedom of religion though (in the family we're a combination of Atheist/Buddhist/Christian), it's just an integration problem. Too many new people; no effort at making them adapt; gaps forming between people. Maybe you won't notice that as a tourist though, it's just a growing problem it might be good to be aware of. Man that turned into a ton of text... hope you get something out of it?

Oh man, the language... that's a difficult question. I grew up on Swedish you know. :) I know the language is a bit difficult to learn for native English speakers, some people I've spoken with just can't get that rolling rrrrrrr sound we use, amongst other things. But it's probably not more complex than say Spanish or other European languages (Norwegian and Danish are similar). If you want to try the language, a quick Google for 'learn Swedish' will get you plenty of examples... there's even some info on studying in Sweden, huh... looks like it's pretty popular!

The universities (I assume that's what you're thinking of?) offer English (AKA International) alternatives on a lot of courses, and you can speak English with pretty much all younger generations. I don't know how it'd be on campus though. Apart from a course on Japanese Culture everything I've read has taken place at home, from a distance, by the computer.

I'd be happy to show you around a bit if you decide to study here, but I can't promise I'll be much of a guide! We live a bit outside Stockholm, and have been moving around a lot earlier (as I mentioned) so we're not that at home here, JSYK. There is however a good public transportation net here, with both subways and a mixture of train/subway (called Pendeltåg) that stretches a bit outside the inner city (we live at the next to last station on one of those lines, in Bro), as well as busses. Most people don't drive to work/school/etc.

(oh man, characters running out again!)

Yep, I (probably) got something from your previous comment. And since you've got rolling r's, I'm basically screwed.

Good public transportation sounds like there'd be slightly less traffic congestion. Sounds like good fun!

Public transportation is a bit expensive though. You have a card that you can load with a select sum of money or a special subscription for a month/half a year/ a year/etc that lets you travel without limitations. One month costs around $80, three months costs around $230, a single trip back and forth into the city from where we live costs $10. They do have special prices for students, though, if you're studying full-time... but it's not a huge discount.

As for food, well we have both classical Swedish dishes (a lot of potatoes, meatballs, diced root vegetables, dumplings, soups, fish, etc) and a mixture of international food, rice, pasta, pizza, kebab, fish, meat, vegetarian meals... it's a real mesh. We don't eat out.. at all really, nowadays, but you can buy pretty much any type of food in the city. There are grocery stores with all common ingredients, and special shops for Asian food... maybe Arabic too, I'm not sure. I'm a pescatarian btw (a vegetarian with an exception for sea food) so we eat plenty of fish at home (we probably have different types of fish meals here than you do, not that much fried, mostly gratins, cooked or whole... in the summer we fish our own but that's not possible here in the South), and plenty of vegetable dishes. I have no idea what you eat in Malaysia though, probably a lot of vegetables that we don't get here; maybe a lot of fried food? Btw, food is probably a bit expensive here compared to Malaysia. I don't really know what to compare, but for starters: 2kg bag potatoes $2, cornflakes $3, fish sticks $3, 1kg salmon $12, 1L milk $1,5, 1L yoghurt $2... well yeah, this seems pointless, let me know if you want any specific comparison. :P

Hope that answered some of your wonders?

*I'm assuming you're using USD for comparison

3 months public transportation card thing...dat cost, bro. I thought countries these days are trying to encourage more usage of public transport.

As for what I eat here, usually fried food. Either that or at Indian-Malaysian (referred as "mamak") restaurants. Actually, some of those stuff you've listed are slightly expensive than the prices here (potatoes, cornflakes)...and some of them cheaper (milk, yoghurt).

Thanks for sharing all that info, man. Most people would've gave links and judge for myself.

Yeah, I know about the broadcast being a part of your daily prayer(s). It was heard wide and far when I lived in Saudi, but over there it was a part of the culture so that was OK, we didn't mind. :) Imagine people coming to your country requesting that you stop the broadcasts though? Same thing, other way around.

Yeah, honestly though, a lot of Islam countries seem to be stuck in the past, with zero tolerance for other ethnicities or religions... from what I see on the news at least. There was this one incident when some Danish newspaper took in a caricature of the prophet Muhammad (hope I'm spelling that right), some Arabic countries got wind of it, and since then the author's had several attempted murders on his neck; Muslims were threatening to wage war on Denmark. People have been parodying Christ a long time but there's no ensuing war, it's just a joke. :/

Fun fact btw, when we moved to Saudi all of our items were 'censored', any images of women without clothes blacked out (like, in medicine books) and Israel was blacked out in our Atlas. Makes me wonder, how do your maps look? I'm not sure how big Islam is in Malaysia.

Haha, hey man, you can share your honest opinions! I won't take offense (and I hope you don't either when I rant like this). It is the actions of a few that make us all judgmental about everyone else. all Muslims I know seem like great people though!

Oh, you don't have that rolling r either? What language could Malaysian be compared to, is it Arabic in nature? Or more like Thai maybe? I've heard plenty of that in movies...

There's still plenty of traffic congestion in the middle of the city, but definitely not as much as in.. say the US. We don't have traffic jams, just occasionally slow traffic. Also, this is all in the South of Sweden. Up North, the local traffic's very limited (but cheaper); most people need cars to get around. From our summerplace it's 25km to the grocery store, and dirt roads half the way.

Yupp, I'm using USD, based upon SEK, so... now that I think about it the prices probably aren't exact considering the exchange value's are different between SEK - USD and SEK - MYR.

I know rite! It's crazy because a lot of people are pissed about the prizes, and vandalize local traffic stations/equipment to show it... and then the prices go up. :P What a world huh. They provide a good service though, (chars running out da

Okay...about that caricature thing...Islam doesn't have an image of the Prophet, and having an image of Prophet Mumammad is considered heresy, so I can understand why people are upset about it. But going as far as to give death threats and all that is...really, really excessive. Simply asking to not print/spread the caricature or even good ol' protesting is good enough. Not saying that this is excluded for important figures from different religious...but, yeah.

How big Islam is in Malaysia, you ask? Any newborn Malay is considered as a Muslim, by default. So yeah, it's that big. (then again, certain law states that if a Malay child was raised and taught to practice a different religion, he/she can convert to said religion after they reach adulthood [like 18 or 21]). As far as I know/remember, I don't remember seeing Israel marked on the map.

Actually, the Malay language originated from Borneo (or something), being influenced by Sanskrit (some Sanskrit words are still used today), before Islam finally steps in. I just can't make dem rolling r's. ;(

It's strange how quickly you run out of characters. I thought you could fit in, like, 10000 characters or so?

but I'd rather they'd cut down on luxury (we have padded seats on subways, for example) and just let us travel at a reasonable price instead. The price is the main reason I'm not much in the city. Back when I went to highschool the school provided travel passes so it was never a problem then (university doesn't btw). It was cheaper too, back then, though...

No problem man, now that I've posted all this info... I bet you can find some links and judge for yourself. ;)

Ah, OK, good to hear your views about it. I didn't know there'd never been an image of the Prophet (hope it's not considered blasphemy or something to spell that with a lowercase letter btw?), but still, this kind of reaction to the actions taken by people who aren't Muslim makes Islam seem like a very hostile religion, not willing to understand that people are different; have different faiths; don't necessarily live by the same book.

It must be pretty big then! Interesting. I'm wondering, would acknowledging the existence of Israel be a crime where you live?

The limit's just 2500 I think, wish it was 10000! :)

I don't think it's blasphemy to write the Prophet's name in lowercase...just rude or inappropriate, I think. Anyway, acknowledging Israel isn't a crime, it just makes you look like an insensitive asshole.

Good knowing!