You're probably right. Still, I don't think anyone would mess with a veteran, regardless of which country they serve. So you were drafted into the Army? Hopefully your service will help in finding a new job :)
Occasional musician/producer.
Age 29
Joined on 3/8/12
You're probably right. Still, I don't think anyone would mess with a veteran, regardless of which country they serve. So you were drafted into the Army? Hopefully your service will help in finding a new job :)
Ahahaha, give me about 20+ years of service in the army then you can call me a veteran. I wasn't exactly drafted into the army. It's more of a programme made to train the youngsters how not to fuck up the country in the future.
However, I can actually join the army slightly more easier...assuming I pass their filtering processes. But for now, I can be considered as part of a reserve army, in case of emergencies or war and such.
Did you meet anyone particularly outstanding?
Glad you came out of the experience for the better!
Now, about that airliner....
Uh...yeah, about that...considering the nature of this site, I'll avoid that thread, thank you.