Yeah, just don't be those "machine workers". It'll only hurt and make you tired of your job. Try to enjoy life at your job as hard as it seems to be. (no I do not speak with my own experience as I never worked yet. But I know how mind-breaker a job can be as most of the people who don't enjoy their works around me are : tired, sometimes violents or depressed, and mostly alone with their mood as we can't "sympathize" with them, we cannot "understand")
I'm pretty sure if you can take enjoy your work, you'll be able to enjoy the rest of your days.
Also.. I do not know much about boxe, but it can't be bad for keeping your body safe I guess. Except the fact that you'll be smashed in the head x)
Anyway, what about here ? Do you plan to do some music ?
+atta boy! work hard at, strive to the best!
+hmm, other than being positive idk how not to feel moody and tired. while it is work, look for some enjoyment in it. chat it up with people, customers and co-workers; it helps the time go by.
Haha, thanks!
I should do that sometime.