I'm no gear tech expert pro xXM4st3RXx 420 here, but I'd like to fill myself with disillusion by thinking that top notch gear = great music + no. 1 on Beatport.
But in all seriousness, I'd like to try recording myself playing bass horribly, post it here and let the hate flow in. I don't have any budget set yet, but I prefer something that is good for the hobbyist and doesn't burn a hole in my pocket.
Any suggestions?
You could try some gear by Apogee if you have a Mac. They are known for their awesome quality but can be a bit pricy. Other than that, I would say maybe some gear by Motu. Their "Traveler-mk3" product is nice if you have the budget for it.
Hope this helps!
Hmmm....Motu's stuff looks kinda cool. I'll go scout my local music stores to see if they sell 'em.