You know, several days since my laptop screen broke (for some reason), I've been reflecting a bit on some stuff in my life.
As most of you would already know, I'm in my senior year in high school, and I have a pretty important ("pretty important" is an understatement) exam in about 5-6 months. And the trial for that exam begins in either less than 2 months or 4 months. I'm not sure. Now, I was never really a high achieving student during those 5 years I spent in high school (middle school included, cause I don't know how the education system works outside of Meh-laysia). But right now, I feel like an idiot. I feel like I can reach more, but given the time remaining and the amount of stuff I have to cover, I'm not very confident.
Then there's university/college, and I'm not sure whether to follow my passion (learning audio engineering or something related to that), or learn/do something that has a better working opportunities (either computer science, or something programming related). Probably a bit early for me to think, tho.
On the music production end, whenever I listen to music from underrated artists (from NG and otherwise), I feel as if their material is much much better than mine. I would always think, "these people have rather limited resources and do this on their spare time...but why are they so good?". (But then I'd stopped giving a fuck about sounding as good as these people, and be either better than them, or do stuff the way I enjoy it.)
Then I start to question why I got into music in the first place. Was it because my brother is doing it too? Is it for the fame and fortune? Am I genuinely interested in conveying my emotions and thoughts via music?
But then I stopped caring and carry on.
I don't really care much about school work, but I still manage to get As and Bs. Just learn and do what you're assigned.
As for the career, DO you want to make music? It's a very difficult industry to be successful in. Then again, with the audio engineering, you can branch out and make connections and all that. Since audio itself isn't a job, you can do both that and whatever else will help you.
Well...I do want to make music, and I know it's very hard to be successful via that means which is why I'm having second thoughts.
My country isn't really the best place for audio engineers looking for jobs...unless if I consider working at a jamming/recording studio.